Stakeholders in Residential Property Development

Why Stakeholders objectives are not always aligned?


Alessandro Bigolin

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Because of how the planning system currently works and considering how highly competitive and complex the property landscape in London and the South-East is, reaching planning approval on a site is an achievement in itself. Considering all the pressing challenges the parties involved at the early stages had to deal with, sometimes some aspects of the scheme may be left for the following parties to deal with.

At the early stages of property development, the main challenges are maximizing the potential of the site while at the same time satisfying the planning officers that the scheme is suitable for approval.

It is often the case that although with all good intentions, the end-users may not be centre focus of the attentions at this stage: the planners are focused on making sure the scheme is within the policy framework and is a good fit for the community, while the property developer is working hard in making the numbers work and coordinating the design team to deliver as quickly as possible.

It is easy to see how customer focus and user experience may fall below in the list of priorities at this stage after all. Remember that the buyer/tenant will buy the unit and how it will make it feel, so not so much interested in the community aspect of the scheme or if the developer made good or not so great profits. Beside location, which is an external factor, buyers and tenants are primarily interested in the interiors of the unit, the view outside and the amenities of the building.


Whether you are considering developing a Planning Consented site or starting a new project, we are here to help. We deliver end-to-end consulting, design and construction services.

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