OneK Cairo

Reimagining retail and leisure for the changing consumer.


Cairo, Egypt


Change, Consulting, Design


Commercial, Mixed Use, Retail, Leisure

Project summary

Shopping mall redevelopment and repositioning.

A retail specialist consultant approached AB Architects to provide design consultancy for the repositioning of an abandoned shopping centre in Cairo, Egypt.

Our vision was to transform the building into a modern leisure and retail-led mixed-use destination that fosters community, identity, and the sustainable growth of local businesses.

We carefully considered how to reconnect the development with the surrounding city and revitalize the space for public use.

Although the original building was completed recently, it lacked the fundamentals for a modern retail and leisure experience and never achieved its potential of becoming a unique shopping experience for the contemporary Cairo shopper.

Redesigning a 1km-long commercial building housing a dynamic leisure and retail destination for Cairo and its emerging satellite cities is a challenging task. As communities grow more self-contained, commercial design must be stimulating and persuasive enough to pull patrons away from the convenience of their community-centred retail options. In addition, the shopping behaviour of the younger generation of Egyptians is rapidly growing and changing.

The first step in the development of this project was a thorough assessment and evaluation of the existing buildings in the complex. Thereafter, we executed in-depth conceptual work to imagine what the destination could be. This process included a new overall destination concept, a redesigned retail concept, creative changes to layout and structure, and architectural improvements.

The client valued our suggestions to reinterpret the complex to become an exciting retail hub. They have continued to use our design as the foundation for further investment decisions.

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